Saturday, November 12, 2011

Zobmondo!! You Gotta Be Kidding - The Crazy Game of "Would You Rather" for Kids

  • Award winning kid?s version of popular "Would You Rather...?" board game
  • Players answer from a card deck with 400 question, choosing between two wild and goofy options each time. Guess your friends? answers correctly and win.
  • Contents: Game Board, 400 " would you rather" questions, 15 Challenge Cards, Chili Pepper Toy, Sand Timer, Drawing Pad, Die, Pencil, 4 Choice Tokens and 4 Player Pawns.
  • Recommended for ages 7 and up. 2 or more players.

Product Description
You Gotta Be Kidding! gets kids and grown-ups thinking, laughing, reasoning, and having a blast making goofy decisions and completing the wild Would You Rather Challenges. Best of all, kids have fun speaking up for a change, instead of always saying "I don't know". Watch imagination rule and confidence build as kids get comfortable standing up for their choice while laughing the whole time. Would You Rather eat a bucket of apple stems or eat 20 banana peels' Gross, huh' But you cannot say "neither" when playing this game. Even though nobody would be dumb enough to eat that stuff, each player still has to choose. So make your best choice and then speak up and tell everyone why. To win, you must correctly guess w... More >>

Zobmondo!! You Gotta Be Kidding - The Crazy Game of "Would You Rather" for Kids

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